The U.S. ambassador to the UN said on Thursday (28) thatsoldiers loyal to the leader Muammar Gaddafi libio have receiveddoses of Viagra, a medication for impotence, with the aim of encouraging sexual violence. Diplomats reported that theambassador was referring to Susan Rice talking about the drug toincrease the number of rapes in Libya by soldiers of Kadhafi, according to Reuters.
If the soldiers are receiving Viagra, diplomats said, would be astrong indication that the commanders are urging soldiers to rapewomen and terrorizing the population which supports the rebels to the system. The drug Viagra is manufactured by Pfizer and stimulates the sexual libido.
According to Reuters reported, the use of rape as a weapon of warhas received greater attention of the UN.

From: Gabriel Nicolodi
We have to be openminded and accept the differences!